How To Keep a Family Business Running for 1,300 years (And Build a Lasting...
Owned by the same family for 1,300 years, the Japanese inn Houshi Ryokan is a marvel of tradition and resilience. This ryokan (a traditional japanese style hotel) was built over a natural hot spring in...
View ArticleHow to Prepare for a Collapse in 9 Steps – a Case Study with David Holmgren
It’s 2025, the long troubled financial markets have finally crashed the overleveraged banking system and the world is experiencing global depression on a massive scale. Precipitated by environmental...
View ArticleWhen the Power Goes Out, People Go Out
Yesterday at about 15:40 local time, San Diego lost power—along with many other parts of Southern California, Arizona, and Mexico. Our power was out for 11 hours. The experience was fascinating for me,...
View ArticleWhy You Need To Prepare For “Just-In-Time” Failure
Here’s something to think about: How long will the world continue to work if a disaster (a big pandemic, war, etc.) shuts down global transportation? A think tank in the UK (Chatham House) has come up...
View ArticleHow to Hedge Your Retirement Against Financial Collapse
On a planet with an inherently unstable and fragile financial system, where governments around the world are slashing pensions and central banks are inflating away our purchasing power, what’s the best...
View ArticleThe DIY Backyard UNDERGROUND Apocalyptic Bunker
Could this be the ultimate man cave and survival cell for backyard gardens everywhere? British garage inventor and video maker Colin Furze managed to get a TV channel to sponsor a doomsday bunker in...
View ArticleThe Threat Probability Matrix – Six Levels of Resilience
Are you prepared for emergencies, or in the process of preparing? I hope you are, because we live in a fragile society. This fragility runs through everything from the food we buy in the supermarket...
View Article10 Reasons Why You Do Not Want to Bug Out
The plan seems simple doesn’t it? All you need for the best chance of survival for your family is a well-stocked bug out bag, a keen attention to your surroundings and careful monitoring of what is...
View ArticleDon’t Throw Away Your Wealth
I met Dr. T.H. Culhane a couple of years ago at a National Geographic conference. He is on a lifelong mission to help the world’s poor, both urban and rural, bootstrap themselves out of poverty and...
View ArticleArctic Ancestral Survivalism with the Sami People
The Sami people are one of the oldest semi-nomadic indigenous groups in the world. Traditionally herding reindeer in the Arctic regions of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia’s Kola Peninsula (the...
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